This treatment optimizes your performance, health, and wellness. Our Athletic Enhancement IV transfusions provide a major energy boost and increase in strength while minimizing recovery time. The ingredients include five amino acids, minerals, antioxidants, and Vitamins.
• Helps build muscles
• Improves performance & recovery time
• Increases secretion of human growth hormone
• Helps prevent muscle breakdown
• Increases blood flow & vitality
• Improves nervous system, memory, & learning
• Fights Infection and promotes wound healing
• Improves immune defense & function
• Protects from oxidative stress
• Helps regulate thyroid hormone
1000ml IV fluids
Amino acids - (Glutamine, Arginine, Ornithine, Lysine, Citrulline, Carnitine)
Minerals - (Magnesium, Zinc)
Vitamin C
Vitamins Bl, B2, B3, BS, B6, & Bl2
Treatment time: 30-45 minutes